Eucharistic Ministry


The celebration of the Eucharist is regarded as the source and summit of the Christian Life. So, those who assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during the liturgy and in the homes of those who cannot join us at Mass, witness to Christ's self giving love.

What's Involved

Ministers of the Eucharist are most evident in the role they play during Mass. Assisting with the distribution of Holy Communion. This is organised by a rota.


Another aspect of the ministry is enabling those who cannot attend Mass to receive Holy Communion at home or in a retirement home or hospital etc.


Both roles require some training to ensure that the ministry is conducted with the level of respect and confidence required.


We welcome new volunteers and will offer you an opportunity to become familiar with the practicalities and assign you to the rota for the Mass you usually attend.


Ministry of the Eucharist during Mass
Guidelines for Mass EM.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 458.8 KB
Guidelines for Eucharistic Ministers
Guidelines at Home EM.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 327.4 KB